One of our newest releases, starting on Sunday, is the BSN Be Stylin Outfit. The BSN Be Stylin Outfit includes a sexy corsage and jeans. The jeans come in three styles, which are all included in the outfit, regular (at waist below belly button), low (just above every woman's private spot and booty crack is out), and ultra low (private spot is uncovered and half of your booty is out). Check out the item's picture to see. All items in outfit are Modify, Copy, No Transfer. You can get this outfit in: black, blue, green, grey, pink, red, and white.
Again, right now these items are linked to the listings on Xstreet. They will be listed on Apez and Slapt in time. All of these items are in-world at our BSN main store. Get the slurl at the top right of this blog.
BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Black

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Blue

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Green

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Grey

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Pink

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Red

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - White

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Blue

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Green

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Grey

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Pink

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - Red

BSN Be Stylin Outfit - White

Again, right now these items are linked to the listings on Xstreet. They will be listed on Apez and Slapt in time. All of these items are in-world at our BSN main store. Get the slurl at the top right of this blog.